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2019-1-8 10:26 来自: 互联网 收藏 分享 邀请

摘要: 广州德鸿:旗降石印章收藏价值不凡,饶先生诚意出手,印章是一种具有民族历史文化特色的艺术门类,是杂项类文房品种中的一个收藏类别,长期以来占据着重要地位。近年来,印章艺术品渐入收藏主流,许多藏家为了那“方 ...


    [Guangzhou Dehong] Seal is an art category with national historical and cultural characteristics. It is a collection category of miscellaneous literary houses and has occupied an important position for a long time. In recent years, the seal art has gradually entered the mainstream of the collection. Many collectors have been competing for the seal of traditional culture and exquisite craftsmanship for the
square inch, and the seals of meaning, material and craft are integrated in this collection. The craze is even more remarkable and the value is extraordinary.


    The flagstone is a kind of Shoushan stone. The texture is fine and fat, slightly transparent or opaque, lustrous, and unchanged for a long time. It has the strongest toughness in Shoushan Stone and is a good choice for seal stone. "Shoushan Shi Xiaozhi" notes: "The flag is descending, also known as Qiqi, Qigang. The flag is descending the mountain. The color is more yellow, red and white. Although the quality is easy and easy to attack, the knife is very good. The stone is more opaque, and Rich and lustrous. The best is honed, that is, the radiance is bright, and the appearance is the same. It does not change color for a long time, and the character is more expensive than the mountains." Although the flagstone is not clear, it is firm and stable, and it is extremely pleasing to the eye. The "quality is easy to attack, the knife is very good", especially for the engraved family, is the most suitable stone in Shoushan Stone. In addition, its stable texture, so that people do not have to worry about dry, chapped and other issues, is also one of the reasons why the flagstone is cherished.


     Recently, Dehong Company has fortunately collected a set of flagstone seals from Mr. Rao. The specifications are: 12.7cm high, 4.06cm wide and 363.5g heavy; the right is 13.4cm high, 4cm wide and 350.27g thick. Exquisite, exquisite and meticulous, it is artistically beautiful. This group of seals is carved with flagstone stone. The texture is delicate and moist, and the color is rich and dynamic. It is based on white, red and yellow, dark and shaded, such as the evening glow in the clouds, dazzling. On the one side of the seal, there is a side note of "August Zhang Zhang Zuo Zuo". Zhang Wei, the word dry court, the ancient poetry of the work, the mastery of medical skills, especially the stylus, the heart of the heart, the seal of the famous master. The bottom of the collection is exquisitely exquisitely carved, and the printed surface is clear and elegant. The top of the collection is made of lions, which is full of good spirits and auspicious meaning. It has a very good meaning and has quite good artistic value.


      The color of the Shoushan flag is very rich, often two or three colors. The color of this group of seals, such as yellow okra, red like coral, white hibiscus, color shades and appropriate, mutual reflection. The engraver is more delicate and expressive. An old lion looks back and sits on the cap. It is vivid and full of muscles and bones, giving a quiet and calm beauty. The author's ingenuity and skillfulness, the knives are rounded, the combination of the squares is just right, and the lubrication is achieved, but the structure of the show is quite good, and the demeanor expresses the impression of the atmosphere. Throughout the whole collection, the texture is warm and condensed, delicate and psychic, delicate in color, exquisite in craftsmanship, gorgeous and rich, which is exquisite and exquisite, with high collection value and economic value, worthy of collection.


      Flagstone has a remarkable feature of small quantity and good quality. The amount is small, it is difficult to find the clean and bulky materials on the Internet or in reality. Therefore, even the small-sized seals can be auctioned at the auction. The quality is mainly based on the hardness of this stone. The head of the various stones, its stone nature can be called the king. It can be seen that the flagstone is very precious and has a high value for preservation and appreciation. It is an ideal choice for the majority of collectors to play and invest. Mr. Rao's flagstone seal, superior texture, moist and moist, exquisite carving, and is a pair of carvings, more valuable. If you are interested in collecting this group seal, please call Dehong Company for more details.


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